Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dangers of Restrictive Diets

With the new year upon us, probably the number 1 resolution made every year is to lose weight.  

It is a new year to start fresh, and more than likely you are coming off two months of not sticking to a healthy eating plan.  I have noticed these past two weeks that my usual healthy purchases have been sold out at the grocery store. I have not been a happy camper. 
Have you noticed that every where you look this time of year, something is touting some kind of weight loss plan? Whether it is a magazine, commercial or a program, they are trying to lure you in with their "guaranteed to lose" plans.

Not all are bad, in fact some are spot on and will get you where you want to be.  However, there are others that while you may lose weight, the long term affects are not worth it.  Hence, the title of my blog....

Dangers of Restrictive Diet Programs 

Losing weight using a restrictive diet program is not effective in the long run - most dieters gain back their weight and more, it can also be hazardous to your health.

If a certain food group is avoided, there can be a gap in the nutrition that the dieter is taking in, and this will create deficiency in the long run. Nutrient deficiency is one of the main causes of cravings, which of course can lead to binging and weight gain.

If calorie intake is restricted, the body will slow down metabolism, and when the diet program is over and food intake is back to normal, the body is not burning as much calories and the dieter will gain the weight back just by eating the normal amount.

Restricted caloric intake affects metabolism and can have an impact on thyroid function, and can potentially lead to hypothyroidism.

Restrictive diets are not sustainable. It can be alienating, and have an impact on the dieter's social life. Sometimes these protocols require supplements because certain foods are eliminated, and supplements can be expensive.

If body fat level drops too low, it can lead to irregular period (or absence of period altogether). This is caused by low estrogen level - which can also lead to osteoporosis.

On the other hand, a balanced lifestyle that includes a variety of wholesome foods is sustainable, and is the best way to combat cravings (cravings often lead to weight gain). A few dietary and lifestyle changes can lead to pleasurable and effortless weight loss that can bring you a lifetime of benefits.

Next in this series will be: Top 10 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain

If you are interested in one-on-one Nutritional Health & Wellness Coaching, click here.  
Last weekend I offered 5 spots at 50% of my services.  I have 2 spots left. Email me at to sign up.

To your health,