Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are you a healthy eater?


The picture above says it all and really there should be nothing more said, but in reality I always have something to say and what is mentioned above cannot be said enough!

I hate to say it guys, but it does not get any simpler or more complicated than that.  You do not have to follow the latest diet with the cool name or count points or calories.  It is as simple as eating a clean, healthy diet.  Sorry to disappoint.

But wait you say, "it can't be as easy as that?"  Well, it is and it is not.  We are all unique, special individuals and it all comes down to bio-individuality.

Bio-individuality essentially means we are all our own unique person and what makes me click and run will not necessarily make you click and run.  Make sense?

That is why it is important for you to be the one who decides what works for you and what does not.  Simple, clean, whole food eating is comprised of eating the food that God gave us to eat.  This includes animals and food grown from the ground.  Food that has been made and made up in a plant does not fit the bill.  Big difference.

This is where your bio-individuality comes in.  First off, you may be a vegetarian and do not eat animal products at all.  That is your conviction and what makes you you.  All I ask is that you are making sure you are getting your daily dosage of protein, vitamins and minerals so you do not become deficient and unhealthy.

Second, when you make the decision to get healthy you will be faced with a tremendous amount of data out there of what is considered the "way" to eat healthy.  For every book, study, data that says one should not eat "xyz", there will be the same amount of books, studies and data that say the complete opposite.  

What you read will sound convincing and true.  Here's the deal, all them will be correct in some form or fashion. Some will say no form of wheat whatsoever, while others will say sprouted whole grains are ok.  One will tell you no saturated fats from animals, another will say that is the way to go. Beans, diary, the list goes on. 

The one thing they all have in common though,  is simple, clean whole food.  Not one book will suggest processed, sugared up , junk food as a choice.  

At the end of the day it comes down to, you guessed it, bio-individuality and ultimately what your body can process and handle. You are the only one who knows your body and how it feels. Stop, feel, think and process your bodies reaction to a food. Take note of how it makes you feel, good or bad, bloated or full of energy.

The road to healthy is not an overnight ride.  It took many years for us to get to where we are at and it will take time to get back our 100% health.

When I work with my clients, the first step we make is getting them to change their mindset from "losing weight' to "getting healthy". 

If you are ready to make your healthy change but need some help and motivation, I can help.  As a Certified Health Coach it is my goal and desire to make healthy the new normal.  

To your health,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sugar is Sugar, Really???

This past Sunday night I took some time for myself and sat down to watch a couple hours of mindless t.v.  I love having the room to myself, nobody talking to me, watching a few of my favorite shows.

This particular night ended with me arguing at the t.v. and wanting to throw my shoe at the screen.
What had me so upset?  The endless repetitive commercials for the Corn Sugar industry touting how corn syrup is just sugar and sugar is sugar.  OMG!  I could have had a coronary right then and there if it weren't for my 9 yr. old trying to calm me down with my saying, "What you see on t.v. is not always the truth!"

The following sentences are taken from their website, CornSugar.com:
High fructose corn syrup is simply a kind of corn sugar that is metabolized by your body the same as sugar or honey.
A sugar is a sugar whether it comes from corn sugar or cane sugar. All are safe and natural. Your body can’t tell the difference.
Sounds perfectly ok, right? So what is my issue with all of this? Though your body may not be able to tell the difference between different sweeteners, I am here to tell you that sugar is wrecking havoc on your insides.

There is an assumption out there that wheat should be the first thing to eliminate from ones diet if one is trying to get healthy. True, wheat causes inflammation of the cells, the gut lining, joints, etc.  If one is consuming wheat with gluten the list grows even longer in terms of side effects.  With that said, I am an advocate for elimination of wheat, but here is the deal. Wheat can and does wreck havoc, but not everyone is affected by the side affects of wheat.

Sugar on the other hand, is a different story.  Sugar is the silent killer of our society and unfortunately if you eat the Standard American Diet, it is in everything you consume.  It is a cheap commodity(especially if made by corn) and thanks to the food industry slowly adding it to everything processed, our bodies have become accustomed to our food being sweetened.

What are the affects of sugar on your body?
Diabetes  - High LDL levels - Stress - Candida/yeast infections - PMS - Cancer - Allergies - Anxiety - Depression - Constipation - Fatigue - Headaches - Gas/bloating - Hyperactivity - Metabolic Syndrome - Obesity - Mood Swings - and craving for more Sugar!
Horrid, right?  These are just the major issues, there are many more I could list.
A good, easy, cheap test to see if you are addicted to sugar is to do the following:
Purchase a serving of full fat plain milk yogurt and sample it.  If you think it tastes great plain, then you passed.  If you gag and want to spit it out because it has no flavor, you failed.
You see, milk has a sweet flavor to it because of the natural sugars in milk.  If you are unable to taste the natural sugar, your body has become accustomed to too much sugar.

Can we survive without sugar?  No, our bodies need some sugar for survival. Our bodies use glucose to supply energy to our brain, etc.  What we do not need is the level of sugar that is consumed in today's world. By eating a whole food based diet rich in vegetables and fruit, your body will get the amount of sugar it needs to thrive.

If you have to have sugar for your tea or coffee, whatever you do PLEASE DO NOT use an artifical sweetener.  These alone keep you from losing weight and they are made up of horrible chemicals and poisons.
Switch to organic stevia for your drinks, and if you must bake, look into coconut palm sugar.  Both natural plant sources and both low on the glycemix index.

If you are having cravings for sugar, try eating more sweet vegetables like sweet potatoes, beets and parsnips.  You may also be nutrient deficient in chromium or tryptophan.
So, now you have a better idea of why I was arguing and wanting to throw my shoe at the t.v.  If the idea of cutting sugar out of your diet overwhelms you, it is a step by step process, but it can be done.  
I personally use an 8 week system with clients and I can attest to the fact that one can say NO to SUGAR.

As a certified Nutritional Health Coach, I can help.  If you are interested in one-on-one Nutritional Health & Wellness Coaching, I would love to help you on the road to healthy living.

As always, please feel free to email me with any comments or questions at sdbrougher@gmail.com.

To your health,

Friday, January 20, 2012

Are you sabotaging yourself?

When I am dining with others, I am frequently asked if it is ok to eat this or that. I am also asked if I mind if they eat something I wouldn't eat myself. The answer is yes and no.

Yes, eat what makes you feel happy and no, I will not mind what you choose to eat yourself.

This may seem funny or odd to you, but since I started my practice I get it all the time. My family is the worst offender but it is not limited to them.

I am not here to judge anyone and the minute I start to do so without permission, then I am in trouble.
You see, it is one thing to feel very strongly about something and want to empower the world with the knowledge, but it is quite another thing to try to control others with that same knowledge.

Controlling will only lead to trouble, and if one is already struggling with their weight, happiness, etc. then the last thing they need is for me to be passing judgment on their choices.

Empowering someone with knowledge without judgment, gives one the opportunity to take what they are learning and make the decision themselves on how to proceed.

Sounds easy, right? I mean being empowered with knowledge and running with it. Well, not always and it is wrong for me to make assumptions about why you do not take what I have to teach and run with it. There is a whole host of reasons (maybe 1 or maybe 10) why you can't seem to move forward. You know what? You are not alone.

The first thing I do when a client comes to me for help, is we sit down and do a "Circle of Life" exercise. This looks at all their "primary foods" in their lives and what role they play in their happiness or unhappiness.

Primary foods are not edible foods. Primary foods make up every aspect of your life that contribute to you leading a fulfilled life. If your primary foods are out of whack, it doesn't matter how much empowering I give you to eat healthy, they will get in the way.

What is awesome about doing the exercise in person, you are able to see right away where there is an issue. Sometimes you already know this but other times it is a real eye opener.

So, to make a  long post a bit longer. Do you struggle with weight issues or the inability to get on the clean eating wagon? Maybe now is the time to look at your own "primary foods" and see where you fall and what in your life may be sabotaging you from getting healthy.
For some, this seems overwhelming and don't know where to start.  This is where a Nutritional Health Coach can help. If you are interested in one-on-one Nutritional Health & Wellness Coaching, I would love to help you on the road to healthy living.

To your health,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dangers of Restrictive Diets

With the new year upon us, probably the number 1 resolution made every year is to lose weight.  

It is a new year to start fresh, and more than likely you are coming off two months of not sticking to a healthy eating plan.  I have noticed these past two weeks that my usual healthy purchases have been sold out at the grocery store. I have not been a happy camper. 
Have you noticed that every where you look this time of year, something is touting some kind of weight loss plan? Whether it is a magazine, commercial or a program, they are trying to lure you in with their "guaranteed to lose" plans.

Not all are bad, in fact some are spot on and will get you where you want to be.  However, there are others that while you may lose weight, the long term affects are not worth it.  Hence, the title of my blog....

Dangers of Restrictive Diet Programs 

Losing weight using a restrictive diet program is not effective in the long run - most dieters gain back their weight and more, it can also be hazardous to your health.

If a certain food group is avoided, there can be a gap in the nutrition that the dieter is taking in, and this will create deficiency in the long run. Nutrient deficiency is one of the main causes of cravings, which of course can lead to binging and weight gain.

If calorie intake is restricted, the body will slow down metabolism, and when the diet program is over and food intake is back to normal, the body is not burning as much calories and the dieter will gain the weight back just by eating the normal amount.

Restricted caloric intake affects metabolism and can have an impact on thyroid function, and can potentially lead to hypothyroidism.

Restrictive diets are not sustainable. It can be alienating, and have an impact on the dieter's social life. Sometimes these protocols require supplements because certain foods are eliminated, and supplements can be expensive.

If body fat level drops too low, it can lead to irregular period (or absence of period altogether). This is caused by low estrogen level - which can also lead to osteoporosis.

On the other hand, a balanced lifestyle that includes a variety of wholesome foods is sustainable, and is the best way to combat cravings (cravings often lead to weight gain). A few dietary and lifestyle changes can lead to pleasurable and effortless weight loss that can bring you a lifetime of benefits.

Next in this series will be: Top 10 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain

If you are interested in one-on-one Nutritional Health & Wellness Coaching, click here.  
Last weekend I offered 5 spots at 50% of my services.  I have 2 spots left. Email me at sdbrougher@gmail.com to sign up.

To your health,