Friday, January 20, 2012

Are you sabotaging yourself?

When I am dining with others, I am frequently asked if it is ok to eat this or that. I am also asked if I mind if they eat something I wouldn't eat myself. The answer is yes and no.

Yes, eat what makes you feel happy and no, I will not mind what you choose to eat yourself.

This may seem funny or odd to you, but since I started my practice I get it all the time. My family is the worst offender but it is not limited to them.

I am not here to judge anyone and the minute I start to do so without permission, then I am in trouble.
You see, it is one thing to feel very strongly about something and want to empower the world with the knowledge, but it is quite another thing to try to control others with that same knowledge.

Controlling will only lead to trouble, and if one is already struggling with their weight, happiness, etc. then the last thing they need is for me to be passing judgment on their choices.

Empowering someone with knowledge without judgment, gives one the opportunity to take what they are learning and make the decision themselves on how to proceed.

Sounds easy, right? I mean being empowered with knowledge and running with it. Well, not always and it is wrong for me to make assumptions about why you do not take what I have to teach and run with it. There is a whole host of reasons (maybe 1 or maybe 10) why you can't seem to move forward. You know what? You are not alone.

The first thing I do when a client comes to me for help, is we sit down and do a "Circle of Life" exercise. This looks at all their "primary foods" in their lives and what role they play in their happiness or unhappiness.

Primary foods are not edible foods. Primary foods make up every aspect of your life that contribute to you leading a fulfilled life. If your primary foods are out of whack, it doesn't matter how much empowering I give you to eat healthy, they will get in the way.

What is awesome about doing the exercise in person, you are able to see right away where there is an issue. Sometimes you already know this but other times it is a real eye opener.

So, to make a  long post a bit longer. Do you struggle with weight issues or the inability to get on the clean eating wagon? Maybe now is the time to look at your own "primary foods" and see where you fall and what in your life may be sabotaging you from getting healthy.
For some, this seems overwhelming and don't know where to start.  This is where a Nutritional Health Coach can help. If you are interested in one-on-one Nutritional Health & Wellness Coaching, I would love to help you on the road to healthy living.

To your health,