Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Year - New You - What do you have to lose?

“Making Healthy the New Normal”
30 Day Program!

Are you ready to start the New Year off with a fresh new outlook regarding your lifestyle and health?

Are you ready to make your focus be about you and getting healthy?

Why not make 2012 the year you….

·       Boost your energy
·       Recognize and eliminate cravings
·       Sleep better
·       Have more patience
·       Recapture glowing skin

This group program will begin on Monday, January 9th and run for 30 days.

The 30 days will consist of:

·       Body detox – your body will thank you after the holidays!
·       Kicking your sugar habit to the curb
·       Learning what foods are harming your body and keeping you from losing weight
·       Choosing, preparing and eating healthy whole foods
·       Learning the power behind a green smoothie shake
·       Working on “lifestyle” elements that may be holding you back
·       Learning what supplements you may be lacking in and need
·       Discovering food allergies – if applicable

This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. No calorie counting or deprivation involved.

Did you know that when the word “diet” was first introduced; it was created to mean overall lifestyle and way of eating?

Today’s meaning has taken on a whole different connotation and when one hears the word “diet” they immediately go into protective mode.

As you change your eating habits and lifestyle, the changes you will see in your life will be dramatic.  Experience a trickledown effect within your own family as nutritious, nourishing meals become the norm.

Are you on board? Bonus offer below if you sign up before Dec. 30th.

What will you receive with this 30 day program?

·       Personal support via email and 2 individual private calls
·       A Facebook group page to encourage support, suggestions, comments and questions.
·       One weekly group conference call
·       Tips and recipes for healthy eating
·       One bonus call covering mood swings, depression and anxiety and one covering stress management.

Give yourself a gift of a lifetime, literally!

Commit yourself to a healthier way of life.  Not just by diet but in everyday decisions.

Remember, the following is yours for the taking in 2012:
·       Weight loss
·       More energy
·       Improved outlook
·       Empowering knowledge

This is the perfect gift just for you or a loved one.  Better yet, plant a seed with your spouse letting him know what exactly you would like and need as your gift this year.

Sign up today and be on your way to feeling and looking alive, sexy and invigorated!

Bonus offer – sign up before Dec. 30th and receive $150 off the program cost of $300.  That is ½ off – an awesome deal!

For $150 and a commitment of 30 days, you will be making healthy the new normal in your life.

Don’t delay, after Dec. 30th the price goes back up to $300.

Sign up to the right by clicking on the Paypal button.

Are you not a groupie? 

This program can be done on an individual basis, one on one for $400.  In addition to all the above, if you live locally you will receive one home visit to clean out pantry and fridge and learn some cooking techniques. Plus a bonus trip to the grocery store to learn how to shop and navigate the aisles.

Have questions?  Contact me at or give me a call at 512-736-9351.