Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Halt a Headache in its Tracks


I have been battling an awful headache for the last 24 hours and just when I think I have conquered it, BAM, it is back.

Headaches are the worst, and migraines are even worse. We have been so programmed, that our first response is to reach for the pharmaceutical medicine.  We reach for over the counter relief or for very bed migraines, the prescription kind.

If you’re one of the 40 percent of people who suffer from debilitating headaches at least once a year, the best way to prevent them is to take consistent—almost daily—action to let the proverbial sleeping giant lie. Migraines are thought to be linked to a constriction of blood vessels in the brain. The causes are wide-ranging; anything from lack of sleep, poor posture, hormonal fluctuations, or dental problems can bring them on. 

For me, the triggers are weather change ( a storm blew in last night) or my monthly cycle.  I am smack in the middle of that as well. At this moment, I am dealing with the "perfect storm".

Here are some ways to dodge the pain.

Know Your Triggers
Taking notes in a food journal may help you connect the dots. Keep in mind that you can eat something and experience a headache from it days later. In general, you’ll want to avoid foods that contain monosodium glutamate (MSG) and foods that contain the amino acid tyramine, such as: chocolate, cheese, coffee, red wine, oranges, aged meats, potatoes, tomatoes (especially cooked), dairy products, salt, wheat, gluten, yeast, beer, and additives. Not all of these are triggers for everyone.  Listen to your body and learn what is your trigger.

On the flip side, you’ll want to load up on such magnesium-rich foods as: green vegetables, avocado, alfalfa sprouts, millet, brown rice, quinoa, soy, sea veggies, nuts, seeds, and watercress. Omega-3 fats can help diminish inflammation and magnesium relaxes the muscles and nerves. If you are in the midst of a migraine, they say rye broth may help provide relief.  

Hydrate for a Happy Head
Simple dehydration can be the most sneaky culprit! Make sure you are drinking clean, filtered water throughout the day to help prevent migraines. In addition, drink a glass of warm water when you feel one coming on to find some quick relief. A warm cup of herbal tea always brings some relief, but remember, even without a headache you should be drinking half your body weight in water per day.

Consider Supplementing
A magnesium and Vitamin B6 deficiency may contribute to migraines, so consider supplementing if you aren’t already getting sufficient amounts in your diet (note that a B-complex vitamin may suffice). Thanks to the poor quality of the soil our agriculture is grown in, 95% of us are deficient in essential minerals and vitamins.  If you would like to learn more about this, contact me and we can talk.

When it comes to meds found in nature, Feverfew is said to be the shining star for headache prevention and relief. Dating back to the late 16th century, the leaves of this perennial flower have been successfully used to treat migraines, with a flurry of recent studies to confirm this. It reduces the duration of a migraine, decreasing pain, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. Taken regularly, it also seems to make attacks less frequent. It’s pretty bitter, so you may want to mask the fresh leaves in a big bowl of salad greens! (NOTE: This should be avoided if you are pregnant. The alteration in prostaglandins from eating Feverfew can cause pregnant women to miscarry.)

See a Professional
If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, or tend to hold tension in your back, neck, and shoulders, you could benefit from regular chiropractic adjustments or deep tissue massages to break up areas of tightness and improve circulation. Daily exercise doesn’t hurt either!

As much as I wanted to sleep in this morning, I knew getting up and going to my workout would get the blood flowing and bring my headache down a notch.  

By making some simple lifestyle tweaks paired with all-natural additions to your medicine cabinet you can hopefully make headaches a thing of the past. 


Heal Your Headache: The 1-2-3 Program for Taking Charge of Your Pain by David Buchholz

The University of Maryland Medical Center’s information sheet on Feverfew — http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/feverfew-000243.htm

So, I am interested in hearing what you do for your headaches.  Do you take the pharmaceutical route or the holistic route and why?  I would love to hear about any recommendations or home remedies that you use, please share.

To your health,

If you are interested in nutritional health counseling, I would love to work with you and get your on the road to "Making Healthy the New Normal".  Follow the link and learn how we can work together. 
Author’s content used under license, © 2012 Sprouted Content, LLC

Thursday, February 23, 2012

No time to make dinner? Easy Peasy Meal!


I came across this picture yesterday and it was particularly timely for me, because I had been feeling this way the last couple of days.  How about you?  Ever feel like this?

If there is one thing I hear all the time, is that you don't have time to cook dinner or if you do have time, making it healthy is even harder.  Well, I am here to share with you one of my easiest meals that I frequently whip up for my family and I know you can do it as well.

Roasted chicken.  You know those yummy rotisserie chickens that you buy already cooked at the grocery store?  They also make a turkey breast that is pretty darn tasty.

These little chickadees come in very handy when you don't have time to bake a chicken or running on the fly between activities. Pretty much every grocery store sells them, even Costco and Sam's.  However, my preference is Whole Foods or Sprouts.  Their chickens tend to be less fatty than the normal grocery store, plus when buying from Whole Foods, I know I am buying a hormone free, natural chicken.  

As my side, I whip a big pan of swiss chard sauteed in coconut oil, garlic and shallots. Right before eating, I squeeze a lemon all over.  Swiss chard is considered to be one the healthiest vegetables around.  It is loaded with vitamin A, K and C, minerals, fiber and protein.

I load my serving of chard with cut up meat from my chicken, slice an avocado over the top and if I have them, I sprinkle some pumpkin or sunflower seeds over the top.  YUM!

Easy right?  But I am not done yet.  These chickens keep on giving.  Don't throw him out just yet!!

When I am done with the first meal, I do not discard the carcass.  Usually the next day or the next, depending on time, I make my own stock with the carcass.

I cut up a bunch of carrots, celery and onions, throw them in the pot with the carcass and fill with water until it is covered.  I add a dash of Celtic sea salt and a dash of apple cider vinegar. The acv works at drawing the minerals out the the bones. I then simmer for several hours.  I am here to tell you, this broth tastes so much better than any store bought broth that you buy. This can also be done in a crock pot.

Did you know that bone broth is very healthy for you?  Yes, your mother was right.  It is so full of minerals that your body needs, it strengthens your immune system, aides in digestion of your food and it is so good for all parts of your body that are related to collagen.

Once cooked, anywhere from 6-14 hours, I strain it and store it in the refrigerator overnight.  If there was any meat left on the carcass, it will come off easily.  I clean it up and reserve for whatever soup I will be making.

Soup making time!! If you desire, skim the fat layer off the top of the broth but this fat will not harm you.

I make my "Everything But The Kitchen Sink" soup.  I will throw in every vegetable I have into the broth, plus the leftover chicken.  If I have some quinoa or quinoa pasta, I will add that to the broth as well.  Right towards the end of cooking, I will add cabbage or chard leaves that I may have on hand.  Season as desired.


This will make a huge pot of soup and you will have another lovely meal plus leftovers. So you see? Making dinner does not have to be such a huge chore.  I promise you, try this one time and it will become one of your go to meals.

To your health,

If you are ready to make a change with your health but need some help, as a trained Certified Health Coach it is my goal to help those "make healthy the new normal".  Read more about it here.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Have you ever been hit over the head?


Have you ever received news or had an "aha" moment when you felt like you were hit over the head?

I know, you probably thought I meant literally and that can work as well.  What I am getting at though is that feeling that overwhelms you at certain news, or the "aha" moment that makes you feel dumb for not having thought of it sooner.

For today's blog I am referring to moments dealing with ones health.  For me it was being told that my inability to lose weight, horrible PMS, anti depressant drugs were all due to a hormonal imbalance and I would need to be put on more drugs.  No thank you!!

Have you had a health moment like that?  Been diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder, depression, inability to lose weight, IBS, low bone density, diabetes, etc.  and realizing at that moment that something somewhere has gone terribly wrong?

Well you are not alone and the numbers in society keep increasing.  I am a firm believer that what you eat is what you will be and feel.  I am also a HUGE believer that food is our best medicine.  My daughter is proof of this, as well as myself.

My "aha" moment was realizing this is what I was trained to do
and I had all the tools right in front of me to help myself. Ever heard of the expression, "the cobblers kids have no shoes"?  That would be me.

  Modern medicine is not about curing the disease, it is all about treating the disease.  A big difference.  A prescription to something will be what you walk out of the doctors office with.  It will work to treat the problem, but it will not cure the root of the problem.

In terms of weight loss, you will hear that all you have to do is not eat complex carbs, cut out sugar and eat more veggies.  This is all true and you will lose weight. Hooray!  However, if you are dealing with any of the issues listed above, it will take more than diet to cure the internal damage that has occurred eating the Standard American Diet.

Your next move is taking steps to "healing the gut".  This will look different for everyone.  Remember my last post about bio-indviduality?  No two people are the same.

Working with my clients, I put together a healing protocol designed for them that will get them looking and feeling great but hopefully living my website tag line.  "Making Healthy the New Normal!"

If any of this resonates with you and you are wondering what to do next,  visit with your doctor and/or health and wellness coach. They can help you determine the best course of action for you in terms of healing.

If you would like to schedule a free health consultation follow the steps here and be on your way to better health.


                                  Green Smoothie Workshops
Sat. Feb. 25th at 10 am
Wed. Feb 29th at 10 am
$10 a person

Come join us and learn the difference between juicing and blending.  Go home with a boat load of recipes for yourself and your children.  Learn the benefits about each ingredient used and tips on how else to cook with them.

After months of waiting, I have finally been able to acquire the business name to match my website name.  I am excited to unveil my new business logo and name and hope you will join me in a little "hoorah".

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Green Smoothie Workshops


Happy Valentine's Day!!

I am thrilled at the amount of you who are interested in learning more about green smoothies.  I know you are going to love them.

Below are two workshops dates and I hope you are able to attend one of them.  One is a weekday and one is a Saturday morning.

I am limiting the class size to 10 people, so don't delay in signing up.  Also, if you are unable to make one of these two dates, I will host another workshop after Spring Break some time in March.

Green Smoothie Workshops

Sat. February 25th @ 10 a.m.

Wed. February 29th @ 10 a.m.

Cost is $10  per person

You will learn different combinations of veggie/fruit smoothies.  I will show you the difference between juicing and blending, plus you will get hands on training.  You will also go home with a packet full of yummy recipes.

R.S. V. P. - by email at sdbrougher@gmail.com

Looking forward to showing you how to get goodness in a glass!

To your health,

Friday, February 10, 2012

Wild About My Greens!


If you have spent anytime with me in the last year, either in person, reading my blog or following me on Facebook/Twitter, then you have at some point read or heard me go on and on about my green smoothie shakes.  What you may not know, is how much I LOVE them!!

At first glance, the thought of downing a huge glass of sometimes fluorescent green fluid, does not seem appealing to most.  However, I tell people not to knock it until they have tried it.  True, it is an acquired taste, but it really is delicious. I promise!

It seems that every time I turn around, there is one more article, blog, tweet about the power of super green smoothies.  You may ask, "what's the big deal?".  Today it is my mission to inform/educate you as to why they are so great.

How many of you have trouble getting in your daily requirements of vegetables, much less eating them at all?

Imagine being able to get your daily quota of green veggies, minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, etc. all in one drink and be on your merry way.  Though I make it a point to eat vegetables at every meal, there are times I don't.  I don't stress about it knowing I started my morning off right.

This one powerful green smoothie is good for weight loss, digestive health, support of your immune system, energy, clear skin, plus it is filling to boot.  Fiber is king when it comes to our health and eating dark leafy greens is the best way to get it.  There is no shortage of fiber in this drink.

When making your green smoothie, you are using raw vegetables.  Raw vegetables are teaming with live enzymes which help your body in the digestive area.  A few benefits of raw food are:

1. more energy
2. easier and faster digestion
3. helps your body detoxify all those pesky toxins we take in every day.

Making your green smoothie is really quite simple and a good blender or food processor is key.  However, I will have to say in order to get a perfectly blended smooth drink, a powerful blender is necessary.  I personally use a Blendtec but a Vitamix is just as good.  These babies are expensive, but well worth their weight in gold if you plan to blend every single day.  My Blendtec gets used a minimum of 3 times a morning.

What do I  put in my smoothies?  It usually depends on what I have on hand in my refrigerator but without fail it always contains the following:

Apple or Pear
Cilantro or Parsley
Spoonful of chia seeds
Scoop of Super Green Foods
Hemp protein

To vary it up from time to time I will add the following items.  Not all at once, just interchangeably.


It is all about experimentation and what taste best to you.  Some people sweeten their smoothie with a stevia or a squeeze of honey.  Others use more than one fruit at a time for sweetness.

The one thing I never do is use a dairy product as a liquid base. Some say combing fruits with dairy products causes the fruit to ferment inside and can cause yeast issues, digestive issue, bloating, etc.

The thought of fermentation occurring inside of me is enough for me to skip the dairy.  However, remember our bio-individuality.  If you do not experience these symptoms then it is OK for you.

I have been asked by several people along the way if I would teach/show them how to make green smoothies.  With that in mind I am offering the following:

* Green Smoothie Presentation Workshops*

Location will be my home or if you wish to host in your own home with a group of friends.

The cost is $10 a person and this covers my time and food.

Email me at sdbrougher@gmail.com if you are interested in attending a workshop.  I am working on dates, but should have them set within the next few days.

To your health,