Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Road to Eating Vegetables is Paved With Good Intentions!


A couple of days back I found myself massaging collard greens (per recipe instructions), and began to reflect back on how I got to this point.

If someone had told me a year and half ago, much less 6 months ago, that I would be "relaxing" collard green leaves to make them edible raw, I would of laughed out loud.  Fast forward to today and here I was talking to my greens letting them know how tasty I was going to make them.  I know, I would also lock myself up.

The road I traveled to get to today was actually quite simple, but fraught with many no's and don't think so's. It all began with a visit to the doctor, desperate to figure out why I could not lose weight, among a host of other issues.  The prognosis was "hormone imbalance", which brought about the response of "duh" from my husband.

I am eternally grateful to my doctor who chose to  treat my symptoms without medicine and instead prescribed a diet which included a boat load of vegetables.  I am eternally angry at said doctor who chose to go practice in a small town in Kansas that had no doctors and do good.  The nerve!! :)

As my symptoms diminished and in the process lost weight, my wonderful doctor once again intervened.  He reminded me that I knew what to do and how to do it.  This is what I was certified to do, but you know the old saying, " A cobblers kids has no shoes"?  I began to practice what I knew and preached. I lost 30 lbs and my hormones were back in balance and here I stood massaging my greens.

Don't think you can do this on your own? Check out my 30 day program at

I LOVE my veggies and I am very particular about where they come from and how they are grown.  This way of thinking led me to become a member of a local CSA.  CSA stands for Community Support Agriculture.  One commits to buying a "share" each week or month and in turn the farm is guaranteed a set number of customers. There are several in the area, but my favorite by far is Johnson's Backyard Garden.
JBG is a local farm in East Austin which grows all there veggies organically.  They are a family run farm and they are the real deal when you think of farms and harvest, etc.  You can also buy their produce at many of the area farmers markets in and around Austin.

I chose to go this route buying my vegetables so I would be challenged to try new ones. I couldn't eat salad greens and broccoli forever, and every week I am confronted with trying something I would of otherwise never picked up.

With Fall/Winter veggies coming in, one vegetable that has made an appearance is Kholrabi.  Ever heard of it? I hadn't. Believe me, when I opened the box my first reaction was "no way", but it is now a favorite around here.  Even my 9 yr. old will eat it.

Of course, this time of year brings my favorite of all time.....beets!  I LOVE these and could eat them everyday, every meal.  I especially love them roasted, YUM!

So to make a long story a bit longer, I found myself with a box of collard greens, kholrabi, beets, and green onions and decided to challenge myself and make a lunch with all ingredients having come from my CSA box.
I worked off the recipe from the link below, added my touches and the result was fabulous.

I am continually reminded of Hippocrates quote, "“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” .  I am a huge believer of this and a walking example of it's truth.

Are you ready to make healthy the new normal?  Feel good and lose weight in the process?  Well you can and you will!

Don't think you can do it on your own?  I am here to help.  I am starting a 30 day jump start program(Jan. 9th) to get one of their way to making healthy the new normal. Whether you want to get, lose weight or both, check it out at

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah ,


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Year - New You - What do you have to lose?


“Making Healthy the New Normal”
30 Day Program!

Are you ready to start the New Year off with a fresh new outlook regarding your lifestyle and health?

Are you ready to make your focus be about you and getting healthy?

Why not make 2012 the year you….

·       Boost your energy
·       Recognize and eliminate cravings
·       Sleep better
·       Have more patience
·       Recapture glowing skin

This group program will begin on Monday, January 9th and run for 30 days.

The 30 days will consist of:

·       Body detox – your body will thank you after the holidays!
·       Kicking your sugar habit to the curb
·       Learning what foods are harming your body and keeping you from losing weight
·       Choosing, preparing and eating healthy whole foods
·       Learning the power behind a green smoothie shake
·       Working on “lifestyle” elements that may be holding you back
·       Learning what supplements you may be lacking in and need
·       Discovering food allergies – if applicable

This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. No calorie counting or deprivation involved.

Did you know that when the word “diet” was first introduced; it was created to mean overall lifestyle and way of eating?

Today’s meaning has taken on a whole different connotation and when one hears the word “diet” they immediately go into protective mode.

As you change your eating habits and lifestyle, the changes you will see in your life will be dramatic.  Experience a trickledown effect within your own family as nutritious, nourishing meals become the norm.

Are you on board? Bonus offer below if you sign up before Dec. 30th.

What will you receive with this 30 day program?

·       Personal support via email and 2 individual private calls
·       A Facebook group page to encourage support, suggestions, comments and questions.
·       One weekly group conference call
·       Tips and recipes for healthy eating
·       One bonus call covering mood swings, depression and anxiety and one covering stress management.

Give yourself a gift of a lifetime, literally!

Commit yourself to a healthier way of life.  Not just by diet but in everyday decisions.

Remember, the following is yours for the taking in 2012:
·       Weight loss
·       More energy
·       Improved outlook
·       Empowering knowledge

This is the perfect gift just for you or a loved one.  Better yet, plant a seed with your spouse letting him know what exactly you would like and need as your gift this year.

Sign up today and be on your way to feeling and looking alive, sexy and invigorated!

Bonus offer – sign up before Dec. 30th and receive $150 off the program cost of $300.  That is ½ off – an awesome deal!

For $150 and a commitment of 30 days, you will be making healthy the new normal in your life.

Don’t delay, after Dec. 30th the price goes back up to $300.

Sign up to the right by clicking on the Paypal button.

Are you not a groupie? 

This program can be done on an individual basis, one on one for $400.  In addition to all the above, if you live locally you will receive one home visit to clean out pantry and fridge and learn some cooking techniques. Plus a bonus trip to the grocery store to learn how to shop and navigate the aisles.

Have questions?  Contact me at or give me a call at 512-736-9351.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Falling off my bandwagon!


I LOVE this time time of year, don't you?  There is so much to this season, that would be a blog all on its own.

Besides the love, celebration and goodwill that occurs, I have to admit what I enjoy the most is all the get togethers that go on.

This past weekend was no exception.  A weekend full of activities and parties and once again, I had to remind myself to "practice what I preach".  It should thrill everyone to know that I fall off my "health" bandwagon  often during the holiday season, but I dust myself off and keep enjoying.

With that said, I am sharing with you my personal tips that I use to keep a jingle and not a jiggle in my step.

1. Water, water, water - did I mention water?  The most IMPORTANT thing you can do for yourself is keeping yourself hydrated.  You should aim for 100 oz. a day.  If that sounds like a lot, then gradually work your way up by adding 8 oz. every day.

If you are like me and enjoy your wine or eggnog at parties, then water will be your best friend.  Alcohol is  a HUGE de-hydrator.  It is your body reacting to dehydration that causes the hangover blues.  Start the evening off with a big glass of water and aim to drink a big glass between each alcoholic beverage.  Before you head to bed, drink at least 8-16 oz. of water.

2. Clean eating - Easier said than done, believe me, I know.  The party I attented this past  Saturday night had the most incredible spread of food.  The hostess truly outdid herself.

How did I tackle the table?  I first did a walk around, checking out all the wonderful offerings. I then loaded up my plate with the "raw" food offerings.  This would be the veggies and in this case, berries. I then added some protein, the cured sliced meats and mushrooms stuffed with meat.

My plate was pretty full.  In fact, one guest made the comment of why don't I put down my plate and just grab the veggie plate instead.  Dramatic, but you get my drift.

Filling myself up in this manner made the sweets less desirable when I made my second sweep.  At this point I was full and just a couple of brownie bites with some more raspberries did the trick.

3.  Eat before you go out - If you know where you are headed will be all about tempting foods, then eat something healthy before you head out.  I  like to make  myself  my "Recharge Green Smoothie" to fill me up.  This shake is full of nutrients and dense leafy greens, that before I step out the door I am already ahead of the game.  *Don't knock it until you have tried it*

4. Exercise - No, obviously not in preparation of going out, but during the week. You should be doing this year round anyway, but it is especially important right now when the stress of getting everything and everyone marked off your list can get overwhelming.

You don't have to devote yourself to an hour long session on the treadmill. Find yourself a class or DVD that is short but high intensity and builds muscles with weights and prefarrbly your body as the main weight.

I personally do Crossfit at our local Georgetown Crossfit.  I love it, makes me feel great, works out the stress and makes me stronger with each workout I do.

5. Take time for yourself - I know I say this all the time, but it is so important that you do not forget about YOU.  Without you, everybody else flounders.  Oh, come on admit it.  You know they do. 
Take a walk, shop, get a mani/pedi, a massage or best yet carve out a little quiet time to meditate.  Meditate to music, the word of God or just to the glorious silence around you.  Believe me, your mind and body will thank you.

Well, that is it in a nutshell.  Not to hard to follow just sometimes hard to remember.  Don't beat yourself up and don't fret over the slips.  I live by 80/20 rule.  80% of the time I eat 100% healthy and the other 20% I allow myself indulgences.

Now, go be healthy!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

2nd try - computer glitches - My Giveaway Begins.......


Today is the day, and I am so excited to begin my "12 Days of Christmas Giveaway".

What's this you say?  A giveaway?  Yes, a giveaway to all my fans.  To get your name in the pot, all you have to do is like my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter or subscribe to this blog/newsletter.

Your name gets entered for each individual spot, not just once.  And yes, you can win more than once.

I will be drawing a name soon and contacting the winner, but I will also post on Facebook and Twitter who the daily winner is.

The following is my list of prezzies. They represent my fav's in my everyday quest to live a healthy lifestyle and I wish to share my enjoyment of them with you.  Check them out and see which one you hope to win.
* Disclaimer - there may be a couple of items that lend themselves to my "indulgences" in life, but hey, don't we all have some of those?*
  • Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Products
  • Allegro tea and Anthropolgie mug
  • Sterling silver heart key chain
  • Zum body soap and lip gloss
  • My go to bottle of wine
  • Pearl necklace
  • Wildtree grape seed oils
  • Lady Walton's bite size wafers with chocolate and peppermint ( a true indulgence) :)
  • Michael Pollan's "Food Rules"
  • Quartz earrings
  •  Beautiful scarf
  • The grand finale - a gift card to your choice of Whole Foods, Lululemon or Sprouts.

Don't delay and sign up.  Follow the links below.

Like my Facebook page -

Follow me on Twitter -

Sign up to  the left for my newsletter/blog if you haven't already done so.

Forward me on to a friend and ask them to reference you when they sign up.

Good luck and can't wait to see who all my winners are.

Happy Holidays,

P.S. - Get a free copy of "Healthy Holiday Guide" from Institute of Integrative Nurtition. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Oh my sweet potato

Tis the season I suppose, but lately I have been having a love affair with sweet potatoes.  I can't say I have ever been a huge fan of these tubers, especially if they weren't loaded down with marshmallows, brown sugar, butter or any other kind of condiment to make them yummy. Are marshmallows a condiment?

However, for the past couple of months I have been receiving a continuous supply of these potatoes in my CSA box.  What is a CSA box?  Well, it is a "community support agriculture" box that comes loaded full of fresh veggies from a local farm. I will be blogging on my CSA next time.

So, with all these potatoes gathering in my kitchen, I knew I had to get beyond the sp fries and bland plain potato.  With that said, I have been on high alert to every sweet potato recipe that has crossed my path and the following are my two current favorites shared by fellow health coaches.

Sweet Potato with goat cheese
So simple to make and so satisfying to eat. Once you have cooked your potato, you can eat it whole or cut it up into pieces.  Goat cheese is a strong cheese, so a little goes a long way and there is no need for any other additions except for you choice of herb (if desired).  This is also great tossed with some fresh, organic lettuce greens.

Sweet Potato Custard
This was so easy to make. I used left over cooked sweet potatoes and my Blendtec blender to whip it up.  An hour in the fridge and presto, it was ready.
My kids LOVED it, a little went a long way and 2 or 3 bites was enough to satisfy my sweet tooth.

Combine a cooked, mashed sweet potato with 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. of nutmeg and a dash of cloves. Blend till smooth.  Add stevia (if needed) to taste.  Eat warm or cool for an 1 hour in the fridge.

Tonight I came across another recipe that I am excited to try.  I have been trying to figure out what to do with the collard greens that came in my CSA box and this is perfect.  

Almond Chicken Soup with Sweet Potatoes, Collard Greens and Ginger.

So, with Thanksgiving right around the corner what are your favorite sweet potato recipes that do not involve the dish looking like Mt. Everest during a tremendous snow blizzard?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Me and My Queen Bee

Do you ever have one of those days where no matter what, you just can't be in a happy mood?  You know what I am talking about.  Your spouse looks at you funny and you want to scratch his eyes out.  Your child makes a comment about how you folded his shirts wrong and you want to take him and fold him up in the clothes and drop the whole bundle in the dumpster.

I could go on and on about all the little incidences that really got on my nerves yesterday but that may lead some to think I need a visit to the loonie bin. I really don't know what came over me.  I was so in such a funk that I actually, for a brief moment in time was considering home schooling.  I know, I know,  you are laughing if you know me at all.

Coming home after school pick up, I was truly disappointed that it was only 4 p.m. and not exactly the time of day to uncork the bottle. Instead, I went on the hunt for candy.  Me? Candy?  Don't think I didn't want to scream really loud when I remembered that I had tossed all the Halloween candy. I could of sworn I had hidden some, but when my 9 yr. old asked me why I was head first, deep down in the dirty laundry basket, I knew I had to move on.

Opening the cabinet I came across my friend....Queen Bee Balance Tea.  How did I forget her?  She is who I turn to when I need a pick me up or just a relaxing moment or two to myself. However, I really never have paid all that much attention to what she had to say.

While I waited for the water to boil, I took a moment to read the outside of the box and realized I had made the right choice after all.

"Soothing flavor that helps make adjusting to difficult cycles easier, and the inclination to embrace them just a little more likely."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Pencil Power Within

My last post was a lot of fun and very much tongue and cheek.  I would like to continue the trend, however, I have been very unsettled over events these last few weeks.

I want to shout at the top of my lungs, "what's wrong with people?".  I am continuously flabbergasted at the way people treat each other in both talk and actions. Are people really so consumed with themselves that they cannot see the mark they are leaving behind?

What passes through someones mind when they speak harshly and down to a child simply because they do not agree with a child's choice of costume?

How is it possible to be so consumed with hate for an ex-spouse that one does not see the damage being done to the children one so professes to be looking out for?

Does harboring jealousy and resentment towards another person because it is not going their way help that person be a friendlier, happier person to those around them?

These pictures I have inserted along the way, came to me via an email during these past weeks regarding the power of the pencil and the pencil within all of us.

Our primary food is so important and by not taking caring of it we do damage to our health and build up all the emotions listed above.  How very sad, we all deserve better.

 I will end this post with the words from the email, but remember this before you speak and act.  What kind of pencil will I be today and what type of mark will I leave behind.






Sunday, October 23, 2011

Barbie, I love you, but come on!

This month Mattel released their latest Barbie version, Tokidoki Barbie and I am not quite sure what to think of her.

I never was one to get all wrapped up in the image controversy or for that matter really care.  I was the typical girl who loved her Barbies and spent hours playing with them.  If I remember correctly, I was more concerned with who Barbie  should invite to go camping in her groovy camper. Perfectly coiffed Ken who would make the campsite look good or rugged GI Joe (pilfered from my brother's room) who could start a campfire and keep bears away.

With that said, there was a moment of intense dislike for Barbie back when my daughter was little and asked me why my boobies didn't stand up like Barbies.  Seriously?  Did she really want to go there?  Got me thinking that maybe there was more to this body image than I had thought.

I can say I reacted with silent glee when I walked in one day to find that half my daughters dolls now had cropped hairdo's and the other half had been beheaded.  Take that Barbie, don't think the perkiness is going to save you now.

So, back to Tokidoki.  What is my issue with her?  Is it the pink hair?  No.  Is it the fact that she is all tatted up?  Not with just one or two tattoos, but with several?  No.  I may resent her for having a lovely chest and wasplike waistline, but in no way do I feel a need to go out and get tattoos. 

No, my issue really comes down to a beef with Mattel.  Would it be too much to ask that they make a doll that looked normal?  You know the look.  Hair that may or may not of been washed, a waist line that speaks to having had children and a chest that reflects the fact that I was milk machine for several years.
Is that too much to ask?  Probably so. It wouldn't sell and I can hear the controversy now. No girl would want to grow up and have babies if that is what she has to look forward to.

Tokidoki, you may be on to something.  Now, if only your dog   "Bastardino" had a different name. *SIGH*